Bottom Line

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Benefit your triple bottom line by improving health and satisfaction, achieving sustainability goals, and cutting costs.

Good for your business, good for your people


Improved Health and Wellness

Four of the 10 most expensive health conditions for U.S. employers are diet-related diseases. Combined, lost productivity from heart disease, diabetes, and stroke cost $525 billion annually.

By nudging employees towards a more healthy, plant-rich diet, you can cut health care costs and absenteeism and improve employee well-being and productivity.


Increased Appeal

Whether you’re trying to attract employees or customers, increasing plant-based options is a great way to broaden your appeal.

79% of Gen Zers are “eager to go meatless” more often, more than half of Millennials are flexitarians, and 70% of Millennials are more likely to work for a company with a strong sustainability plan.

Cost + Efficiency Gains

Research shows that restaurants that transition to plant-based menus can increase revenues and significantly cut food costs.

Plus, serving meals that work for all dietary restrictions - with meat and dairy available - reduces administrative overhead & food waste.